
The Creation of Capsule Wardrobe Ideas

Alivea Clip PhotoMinimalist at Heart

Hello! Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you are enjoying the capsules that I have put together. Like every woman I know, I have always had a closet packed to the brim with clothes. The problem was that when I looked in my closet for something to wear almost everything I saw was uninspiring. It seemed I had only a few items that I would wear over and over and even those items weren’t anything super special to me.

When getting ready for work or any other event that required me to leave my home, I cannot tell you the amount of times I said, you guessed it, “I have nothing to wear!!” It was an absolute chore to find something to wear that I felt good in. I had tons of clothes! It should be easy!

I usually ended up finding something I could put together but the amount of time it took to get there was too consuming. I thought I could solve the problem by spending hundreds of dollars on 10 or 15 items at once. Sure I felt good for a few weeks with my new, crisp clean clothes but not too long after I felt like I was in the same situation again, staring into my closet wondering what on earth I would wear! Not only that, I wondered what I had actually been wearing!

Born a Fashionista I Was Not

Oh how I wished I could be like the women who always look like they had some sort of superhuman fashion sense. These women appeared to me like everything in their closet was oh so amazing and all they had to do is reach in, grab anything, and walk out like they were on their way to a fashion shoot.

I’ve never been a normal woman who loves to shop. Digging through the endless racks of clothing to find a few gems was fine maybe 2-3 times a year. Usually I left feeling happy about my purchases only to discover that I ended up wearing only half of them. The rest of the pieces end up sitting on a hanger in my closet. Most of them with the tags still on.  Maybe after a year or so the day comes when I ship them off to find a new home. What a complete waste of money and time. There had to be a better, more efficient and successful way of shopping!

I started my quest to find that better way. In my search I made the incredible discovery of the use of wardrobe capsules. This site is all about using wardrobe capsules to simplify your life by having a plan that will create organization and efficiency when it comes to your wardrobe. If you look at enough of my samples you will start to get the feel of how to create your own. I’ll also provide more tips along the way. Thanks again for visiting the site and I welcome your comments – good, bad or ugly.

Get Notified About New Capsule Collections

If you are enjoying the site and dig my style, sign up and become my friend! I post a lot of pieces that sell out quickly. By being my friend I’ll notify you as soon as a new capsule comes out and you’ll have first dibs on anything you see that you like.